Conformity Farm

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In the Beginning

Welcome to the Conformity Farm page! Here I hope to offer a central place for all things Conformity Farm.  


What is Conformity Farm?


So, you might be curious about what a Conformity Farm is? Is it a place? Conformity Farm isn’t a place, it’s a brand. A brand for a style of humor and art primarily made by Timothy James. This is I, the one who writes to you here. The objective is to create entertainment that causes you to think while still offering a unique style. I know that some of this may seem like it’s been done before, that’s because it has, it’s been done. I’m not here to try and reinvent the wheel, rather I’d like to improve over time and make quality content.


What’s different?


As of May 5th, I turned in my final, final of the semester and while being jobless as a direct result of the quarantine. I have found myself in a position of independence. At this point the only thing I wanted to do was to make Conformity Farm full time. For those that live in a circle of entrepreneurs I will have to state that this is scary and that I didn’t have that type of influence. The thing that kept bringing me back to the content was the completeness when I’m making the material. I’m in love and my life feels like it has the correct purpose. This is wonderful alone but when I’ve posted my material, I have had a very kind reception from the community. Within the community I receive encouragement and praise. It has allowed me to create excellent relationships with people whom I’ve come to call my friends.


I think that I was made for this! I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince here, perhaps it’s myself, but we live in a world where there is a chance, I can be what I’ve allows wanted to be an artist and a storyteller. So, as of 21 days ago my journey has started and as long as I have air in my lungs Conformity Farm will be here!


-Timothy James